Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany
Sharing stories may be hard for survivors of sexual abuse. Ir might be the first time they tell anyone about the abuse. Nevertheless, their statements are very important to understand why abuse could not be prevented in the past.
Our core commitment
- We will listen to survivors and their evidence will not be challenged.
- We understand that describing their experiences may bring back painful memories.
- We will not judge them.
- We will be honest about what we can or cannot do.
- We guarantee their anonymity, even in the event their experiences will be published in the context of a summary.
- Each and every story is individual. By coming to terms with these incidents we seek to raise public awareness of this issue!
The inquiry
The Independent Inquiry into Sexual Child Abuse in Germany investigates all forms of child sexual abuse in Germany, such as sexual abuse
in institutions
by family members
by social environment
by unknown offenders
in the context of organised crime
Based on the decision by the German Bundestag of 2 July 2015, the former Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (ICCSAI), Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, appointed the inquiry team on 26 January 2016 for three years until 31 March 2019. In 2018, the federal government extended its term until 2023, and on November 15, 2023, the work of the Commission was extended again until December 31, 2025. The Commission is independent in its work. Commission members work on an honorary basis.

Private hearings
The private hearings are conducted in an informal setting and in confidential locations. These conversations are not open to the public and the statements are confidential. The private hearings are carried out throughout Germany by the Inquiry members and their consultation team.
Written report
In case survivors do not want a private hearing, they can write down their experiences and send the report via e-mail or by mail. Several questions may help survivors to share the story with the inquiry on our website www.aufarbeitungskommission.de.
Public hearings
Some of the key issues will be examined in detail in public hearings. A public hearing allows survivors to tell their stories in public and improves community awareness of child sexual abuse.