Survivors’ voices
We have launched a project that is unique in the world with our website “Survivor’s voices”. Through this site, the survivors can tell us about the sexual violence they experienced during childhood and adolescence and the consequences of this abuse using their own words as well as having the strength and courage needed to come to terms with what happened.
”Stories that matter”
Survivors’ voices is intended to be a place of recognition for the many told and untold stories and to draw attention to the structures that made child sexual abuse possible, but also to highlight the consequences in the lives of the survivors who are now adults
Bearing witness, saying what happened and then making the experienced violence apparent is what the portal focuses on through stories from the survivors. With their consent, we can make apparent what survivors can usually only talk about years and even decades later, tell you about the injustices they have experienced, the suffering, the consequences resulting from the abuse as well their strength and courage in coming to terms with what happened to them.
Child sexual abuse is still a big taboo in our society. The survivors often remain silent out of the guilt or shame that was imposed on them as children. Or because they weren’t believed when they tried to confide in someone. We want to use the portal to help break this taboo.
Survivors’ voices is continually being expanded. Users can use a filter to search for specific reports that describe sexual abuse in a specific decade or context, e.g. family, church or school.