
to the website of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Issues in Germany

The inquiry is investigating all forms of child sexual abuse that occurred in the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR from 1949 onwards. This includes sexual violence in families, in institutions, in social environments as well as violence inflicted by external perpetrators or in the context of organised sexual exploitation. Those who were sexually abused in their childhood or youth should be given the opportunity to talk about the injustice they suffered or to report it in writing, even if it occurred years earlier. They would then know that their suffering has been recognised.

How does a private hearing work?

Do I have to tell everything? How is my data protected? Can my story reflect on my community? Am I being treated with sensitivity to discrimination? The Commission’s explanatory film has an answer to these questions.

Almost 3,000 survivors have already told us about their experiences. We hear haunting personal stories that testify to injustice and suffering, but also to courage, hope and vitality. We use them to develop recommendations for institutions and politicians. How can reappraisal succeed? How can adult survivors be better supported today?

Also very important are:
What can we learn from the past for the present and future?
How can children be better protected today?

Your story – reporting sexual violence

Were you subjected to sexual violence during your childhood and adolescence and would like to tell your story? Survivors can report to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Issues during a private hearing – this could also be a video call – or through a written report.

Issues & findings covering child sexual abuse

The stories provided by survivors form the core of the inquiry’s work. These stories enable it to regularly publish findings about specific key issues. Survivors’ reports are included in all publications.

Sexual abuse and those with an immigrant background

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Issues has sought advice from experts about how it can better reach out to people with a family history of immigration. The background to this is that significantly fewer people with a history of immigration register with the Inquiry than corresponds to the average taken from the population.

Publications in English

Current figures

Link zu Schriftlicher Bericht


written reports

Link zu Vertrauliche Anhörung


confidential hearings

Webanalyse / Datenerfassung

Die Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs möchte ihre Website fortlaufend verbessern. Dazu wird um Ihre Einwilligung in die statistische Erfassung von Nutzungsinformationen gebeten. Die Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden.

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