A private hearing via a video call

Notes on registration and implementation

Are you considering opting for a private hearing via a video call? The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Issues assures you that the confidentiality of the hearing will also be maintained even as a video call. The hearing will also be carefully prepared in this format.

It’s possible that this was the only way that I could actually do it. I was in a familiar and safe environment and had a good friend accompanying me (…) However, it is very, very important to be looked after afterwards.

Implementation and data protection

The “Connect” program from RED Medical Systems GmbH is used to conduct the confidential video call hearing. This is a program that has been certified by independent auditors and has also been checked for data security by the IT security officer from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Special security mechanisms such as end-to-end encryption prevent unauthorised people from listening in and watching. The encryption ensures that the hearing is secure.

You do not have to register with the program’s provider for the video call hearing and your PC’s IP address will not be saved. Please take note of the data protection information as well.

Operating principle

The way “Connect” works is very simple:

  1. A link to “Connect” will be sent to you by e-mail after a detailed telephone consultation. You must activate this link. Please ensure that you select a suitable browser. Google Chrome, Edge and Safari are suitable browsers. However, Windows Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are unsuitable. You will be invited to participate in a video call hearing after activation. When prompted, all you have to do is enter a name of your choice. i.e. a pseudonym. Please ensure that you do not enter your real name. This will contribute to your personal protection
  2. Start the video call hearing by entering the access code, which you will be given by telephone shortly before the hearing begins.

Contact the Inquiry’s office if you have any technical questions. More information can be found at RED Medical Systems GmbH website.

Would you like to register for a private video call hearing?

Verlinkung zur Seite für die Anmeldung zur vertraulichen Anhörung.

The hearing was a very valuable experience for me that also helped me to come to terms with my past. It’s important to realise that you’re not being judged for what happened

Webanalyse / Datenerfassung

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